
Seminar ISTQB Certified Tester, Advanced Level - Test Manager, Training and optional exam in English

Beschreibung des Seminars

This course and the optional exam are in English language and given as a virtual classroom! - In this virtual classroom ISTQB® Certified Tester, Advanced Level - Test Manager, you are going to receive the necessary knowledge and tools to be successful as a professional test manager

This training, which is taught according to the latest Advanced Level curriculum of the ISTQB, gives you a comprehensive overview of the planning and control parameters of testing. This course teaches you how to manage test teams, plan and document tests, and monitor their progress. Different test planning documents as well as the connections between defect management, risk management and test management are presented and explained to you in a practice-oriented way. You will learn how to optimize and adapt your test processes on the basis of process improvement models. The seminar is completed by the role of the test manager in a company, his special situation as well as his required technical and social competences, e.g. in the management of test teams.

After successfully attending the seminar, you will be able to define high-level test objectives and strategies for the systems to be tested, plan the associated tasks, set deadlines and track their progress. You can describe and organize the necessary activities, select, procure and allocate sufficient resources for the tasks. You will be able to select, organize and lead effective test teams, as well as efficiently organize communication between team members and other test teams. You will be able to justify the decisions you have made and create appropriate reporting documents. Detailed practical exercises top off the seminar and prepare you perfectly for the optional exam.


  • test process
    • test planning, monitoring and control
    • test analysis, test design, test implementation, test execution, evaluating exit criteria, test report, test closure activities
  • test management
    • stakeholder
    • additional software lifecycle activities and work products
    • managing non-functional testing
    • risk-based testing and test techniques
    • test selection method
    • prioritization and effort allocation in the test processtest
    • test documentation with test policy, test strategy, master test plan, level test plan, project risk management
    • test effort estimation
    • testing metrics
    • business value of testing
    • outsourced and insourced testingdistributed,
    • managing the application of industry standards
  • reviews
    • management reviews, audits
    • management of reviews and formal reviews
    • metrics
  • defect management
    • defect lifecycle and software lifecycle, workflow
    • defect report and defect message
    • evaluate the process maturity based on the defect report information
  • improving the testing process
    • reate and test a test process improvement plan
    • TMMi, TPI Next, CTP, STEP, etc.
  • testtools and test automation
    • selection of tools: open source tools, tailored tools, profitability, selection process
    • tool lifecycle
    • tool metrics
  • individuals' skills and team composition
    • individual skills
    • test team dynamics
    • establish testing within an organization, comparison and evaluation of insourcing, outsourcing and off-shoring
    • motivation and communication

This course is accredited according to the lates ISTQB syllabus!

You can download the syllabus here.


After the training you do have the opportunity to take the official ISTQB® Certified Tester, Advanced Level - Test Manager as a remote proctored exam. The exam is conducted by an independent certification body as an electronic exam. You will be notified of the result of the electronic exam immediately after completion of the test. In addition to the participation fee, there are costs for participation in the exam. When booking online, you can also order the exam as an additional booking option. You are also certainly free to book the exam at any official certification body directly by yourself and attend the exam there if you do not want to book the exam together with the course.

In order to take the ISTQB® Certified Tester - Advanced Level exam, you must have at least 18 months of practical experience and be Foundation Level certified.

Zielgruppe des Seminars

System- bzw. Software-Tester, Testmanager, Projektleiter, Qualitätsmanager


This course and the optional exam are in English language! - Um die Prüfung zum ISTQB® Certified Tester - Advanced Level ablegen zu dürfen, müssen Sie mindestens 18 Monate Praxiserfahrung nachweisen und bereits im Foundation Level zertifiziert sein.

Den Zulassungsantrag erhalten Sie bei der Anmeldung zur Prüfung automatisch zugesandt. Zu den 18 Monaten zählt die gesamte zurückliegende Praxiserfahrung des Teilnehmers - nicht nur die Praxiserfahrung seit Erlangung des Foundation Level-Zertifikats.

Ihre Unterlagen werden von der Zertifizierungsstelle auf Vollständigkeit geprüft. Falls Sie die Bedingungen nicht erfüllen, kann die Zertifizierungsstelle keine Zulassung erteilen.

Um an der Prüfung teilnehmen zu können muss ein Lichtbildausweis vorgelegt werden, der die Überprüfung der Identität des Prüfungsteilnehmers ermöglicht.

Anreise zum Seminar

Virtual Classroom - Knowledge Department
Äußere Sulzbacher Str. 159-161
90491 Virtual Classroom

Wir bleiben zuhause. Runter vom Sofa, rein in den virtual Classroom.


Daheim ist es doch am schönsten. Sie benötigen kein Hotel.

Weitere Termine des Seminars

Zur Zeit gibt es keine weiteren Termine für diese Veranstaltung

Die Daten im Überblick

18.11.2024, 09:15
22.11.2024, 18:00
Dauer (in Tagen)
1.995,00 EUR
Stefan Wirth
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer.
Knowledge Department ist akkreditiert von
05.08.2024 - 09.08.2024  Virtual Classroom
20.08.2024 - 22.08.2024  Nürnberg
20.08.2024 - 23.08.2024  Nürnberg
20.08.2024 - 22.08.2024  Virtual Classroom
20.08.2024 - 23.08.2024  Virtual Classroom
27.08.2024 - 30.08.2024  Nürnberg
27.08.2024 - 30.08.2024  Virtual Classroom
09.10.2024 - 11.10.2024  Virtual Classroom
29.10.2024 - 31.10.2024  Nürnberg
29.10.2024 - 31.10.2024  Virtual Classroom


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